How to Change a Muffler on a Rotary Screw Compressor

In this blog, we will give you the steps for changing out a muffler attached to a blowdown valve on a rotary screw compressor. The purpose of a muffler is to reduce the volume of noise when the blowdown valve releases pressure.

Safety First!

Please note: Before beginning any air compressor maintenance, always make sure you have your personal protective equipment.

Step 1: Prepare Your Work Area

Make sure your area is free and clear from hazards.

Step 2: Lockout Tagout for Safety

Lockout tagout is the first and most important part of safety protocol.

⚠️ Warning: Only a qualified technician should attempt to install or work on what we are about to show in this blog.

When our technicians approach the lockout tagout process, they would typically lock out the handle, using their right hand and turning away to the left. This is to avoid a possible arc flash. Our technician would then check to make sure the panel is locked securely.

The next safety step is to isolate the air system by turning the handle to the "off" position.

Try to power up the unit to make sure it is truly disconnected from power before continuing. Also, check the control panel to verify that the power is disconnected.

Step 3: Relieve Pressure in the System

Using a wrench, loosen the sump pressure monitoring line. Tap the connection to verify there is no air pressure left in the unit before the install. The gauge should also read “zero.”

Now we are clear to change mufflers on this compressor.

Step 4: Remove the Old Muffler

  • Use an adjustable wrench to start loosening the muffler.
  • Once loose, hand-loosen the muffler until it detaches completely.

Step 5: Prepare the New Muffler

  • Apply thread tape to the muffler, making sure to point in the direction of the thread.
  • Ensure the thread is fully covered.

Step 6: Install the New Muffler

  • Hand-tighten the new muffler into place.
  • Finish tightening with an adjustable wrench until snug.

Step 7: Power the Unit Back Up Safely

  • Don’t forget to reconnect the sump pressure monitoring line before turning the air supply back on.
  • It is now safe to remove the lockout tagout mechanism.
  • Just like before, turn away as you power on the panel.
  • Finally, slowly turn the air supply valve to the "on" position.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully replaced a muffler on a blowdown valve for a rotary screw compressor. For a more detailed view, you can watch our video on "How to Change a Muffler on a Rotary Screw Compressor.